Breeding J and sucking monster dick

alex57950 4年之前
comme d'hab , trop beau
menlovemen1 發佈者 4年之前
Thanks !
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nenadbrena 4年之前
Love your vids and profile sexy 
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menlovemen1 發佈者 4年之前
Thanks !
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nenadbrena 4年之前
menlovemen1 發佈者 5年之前
Thanks, regulars are the best
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mikeincl 5年之前
sexy fuckers !
menlovemen1 發佈者 5年之前
Yes, this is a critic, the other comment was not. Recovering addicts are bas at taking criticism. But we do take them. Eventually Thank you. I started doing proper longer videos of my fucks two weeks ago, there is a learning curve. I even wrote a five-page novella to make a short movie with an actual scenario, which is my ultimate goal. I don't plan to make the next "Shortbus" but I sure will keep trying. That also was my first taping outside my flat. Next time, I'll take my portable lighting.
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cuando aprendas a dirigir  y a coreografiar una follada,entonces seras un buen director,mientras tanto no llegas ni a mediocre,grabar a tios follando no es dirigir es solo eso grabar una follada,solo un plano,que tienes pocos medios y quieres sacar dinero con cualquier cosa me parece licito,pero no es el porno que a mi me gusta,por lo tanto estoy en mi derecho a realizar una critica,si eso no te ha gustado tendrás que acostumbrarte a ello,siempre nos criticaran por lo que hacemos o hagamos.Que lastima que pierdas tu tiempo por esto, dedícate a mejorar tu ingenio y a no preocuparte por lo que piensen los demás,no siempre tenemos la razón y existen otros a los que tus videos les guste mas que a mi.BESOS ,POR CIERTO CUANDO FOLLAMOS MON AMI?,AUREVOIR MERCI ,I LIKE
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menlovemen1 發佈者 5年之前
I wasn't home, didn't have my ow lighting, did what I could with a bedroom lamp and the ceiling light crapping out on us. You're judging me on one poorly lit video and are ignoring all the other ones. And if you don't like, don't look at it. Non-constructive criticism is useless wasted energy you could have spent on doing something productive with you life.
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